Welcome to Holy Trinity College

Qui laborat oratwho works prays.

Holy Trinity College

It is located in the city of Mar del Plata, founded in 1989 as a Bilingual School. It has a Kindergarten, Elementary School, Basic Secondary School and Multimodal Level. The programs are integrated in English and Spanish to direct them towards the international exams and pre-university curriculum in the second and third year of the Polymodal level.

Among others, the PET and IGCSE of the University of Cambridge, the Trinity Exams of the University of London and culminate with the IBs of the Organization of international Baccalaureate based in Geneva. The Sports Area is of great importance in the school, the boys and girls practice rugby, hockey, athletics, swimming, participating in tournaments in our country and abroad.

Holy Trinity College, provides excellent opportunities for international exchange programs. It has well-established links with the United States, Canada, England, South Africa, New Zealand, and almost every country in Latin America through the LAHC. It seeks to expand cultural awareness and global understanding through student interaction.

Trinity at a Glance

Languages Taught

English and Spanish

Age Range

2 – 18

Facilities Highlights

school trips
Sports and CAS

Pastoral Care & Wellbeing


Robotics & Coding

University Agreements

Agreements with universities

International Accreditations:

Registration 2023:


New Headquarters!
Young Rumenco

Academic activities
Religious education
Drama School

Education system


Throughout history, Holy Trinity College has been committed to educating bilingual students with exceptional academic skills and knowledge. Objectives of basic primary schooling:

1) Educate children, in the practice of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

2) Arouse respect for national traditions and symbols.

3) Awaken love for family, school and society.

4) Promote feelings of love and human solidarity.

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Secondary of Holy Trinity College aspires that its students can enter the University on the basis of integrated bilingual education, and for this it seeks to:

1) Ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully face the next stage of their careers.

2) Develop your ability to manage your daily life.

3) Determine your vocation and know how to use your free time.

4) Provide them with the necessary knowledge to know how to function in a modern world.

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Kinder garden

Our Kindergarten has an adequate physical space, with its own objectives and that conform to our EGB

ideology: We propose a model where commitment, participation and responsibility are part of daily reflection, to articulate the interests and expectations of families, depending on their context and in favor of a climate where the child is the first beneficiary.

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Religious education

Since 1989 - when the activities of the Kindergarten began, with the purpose of giving life to a Bilingual School - religious formation was provided and the spirituality of Schoenstatt was embraced.

Since then, the College has been entrusted to Our Lady of Schoenstatt and follows the guidelines of the Movement in the formation of its students.

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